Using an Ordnance Survey map (1:25000 or 1:50000 scale) to plan a route of at least 4km that contains a minimum of 10 waypoints:

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4. Using an Ordnance Survey map (1:25000 or 1:50000 scale) to plan a route of at least 4km that contains a minimum of 10 waypoints:

Learn how to plan your own route on OS Maps using OS get a map. Plan your route on the desktop version, then follow it using the OS Maps app on your phone or tablet, some GPS such as eTrex 20 have OS mapping making it easy. You can just use paper maps to do the same if needed.

This was made before the geocaching badge was out, scouts back then could do geocaching for the 3rd option of The NavigatorBadge, and also for The Hiker badge. Involved a 12km or 20km walk whilst finding 2 geocaches along the way simple to add more and use them 10 to cover part 4. of the badge. As a leader, you need to decide which area you are going to undertake the badge then log on to to find geocaches in that area to give the troop an idea of routes they could go.