Scouts and Guide Geocaching Activity Events and Leader Training

About Events and Training

It has been our privilege to be part of all sorts of events, Jamborees, and County Events Such as Essex Weekend (a weekend in Essex scouting for leaders) Training Events for both Scouting and Guiding, Group Visits to run Geocaching Nights, Leader Training Events held for Scout counties, Gilwell Reunion, posted a few examples below…

Essex Jamboree 2016

Geocaching was an activity in the On TV Zone at Essex Jamboree, working with a great team of volunteers we had 24 Garmin eTrex10 GPS with 24 Geocaches hidden around this massive Scout and Guide event. 7 days of very busy activity, including an intro to caching and the use of GPS, each programmed with 3 random caches.

It was a great experience was planning for 2020 but it was unable to go ahead.

Ilford East District Fun Day

Geocaching Scouts UK invited to rug some geocaching at this great district event by the Ilford East Scout Activity Team…

We placed caches around the event and had our table display kit, this event also had a visit from Bear Grylls who was then the new chief scouts, you can see the helicopter he arrived on in the background. He was amazing with the young people, everyone was so excited.


The Bushcraft Show 2014

Great weekend at The Bushcraft Show by Bushcraft Magazine, thank you to the great scout’s team who made this weekend so much fun, and all the visitors to the stand, fewer muggles in the world!! lots of scouts and guides, leaders geocachers, and bushcraft folk, made many new friends this weekend, and even with the mud adventurers went out and did our geocaching trail. A big thank you to Phil May Canoe Maker who had one of the cache boxes on his stand.

Essex Scouts, Scout Scool 2017

Geocaching Scouts UK running some training at Scout School training event in Chemford. 3x Sessions of Geocaching as ongoing learning! The leaders of the course gave feedback that it was a great course, with all the finer arts, practicals, and Geocaching event management.