With Activity Resources.Some hold informal Travel Bug Races Just For Fun, Can Be As Simpley for a Section, Group or District or Event Such as a Jamboree
What is a Travel Bug?
Another part of geocaching that many geocachers enjoy is tracking Travel Bugs. Basically, they attach a dog tag with a unique number on it, you can add a small toy too theam it before it is drops it off into a geocache container.
Don’t forget to register it first so it can be logged on as left in that container’s log. Eventually, another geocacher comes along and takes the Travel Bug out of the geocache and moves it to another geocache where he drops it off. The Cacher logs it onto the geocaches where he dropped it off. The person who started it on its journey can then track the Travel Bug as it travels from one geocache to another around anywhere in the country or the world!
Would this be Fun for your Scouts or Guides?
The 5th Prittlewell Scout Group were having a race to see which of their 4 patrols travel bugs can travel, 1. Greatest Distance 2. Most Geocaching Visited
3. Most Countries. The Program worked well as part of the geocaching badge.
We revisited and posted updates for over a year, the winning Trackable even visited Japan! Premium Members can View it using the Google Earth desktop app and open the .KLM File.